
This document serves as the official registry of reasons for the OPDS and ODL specifications.

Reasons are meant to convey why a particular resource is available/unavailable, either at a publication, link or license level.

URL Description Associated states
https://registry.opds.io/reason#exhausted Indicates that a publications and/or all of the usage allowed by its licenses have been exhausted. unavailable
https://registry.opds.io/reason#expired Indicates that a publications and/or all of its licenses have expired. unavailable
https://registry.opds.io/reason#onHold Indicates that a publication is temporarily unavailable because it’s on hold. unavailable or reserved
https://registry.opds.io/reason#preordered Indicates that a publication is temporarily unavailable because it hasn’t been released yet. unavailable
https://registry.opds.io/reason#refunded Indicates that a publication or one of its licenses has been refunded. unavailable
https://registry.opds.io/reason#removed Indicates that a publication or one of its licenses has been removed from a subscription or from distribution in general. unavailable